about soma

Everything we do starts with you.

“She works hard at everything she does, so we’re working hard to create beautiful bra solutions for her, for all of us. It’s not about the runway, it’s about the real way. We are embodying the journey of women supporting women. We are here to listen to her, tell her story, and design products that supports her needs.”

I was tasked with redesigning SOMA’s “mega nav” issue and providing options that would make it easier and faster for customers to find products and lead them to purchase online.

The problem

I was tasked with redesigning SOMA’s “mega nav” issue and providing options that would make it easier and faster for customers to find products and lead them to purchase online.




1.“We want to see results from your design so that customers are able to find what they are looking for more easily, browse, and purchase.”

2.“We need to collect feedback: This feedback provides information regarding their experience, needs, preferences, and user input of my design solutions. I collected input in various ways, such as conducting interviews, surveys, testing, and reviews.”

UX Design

  • Increased median active days per customer by 38%

  • Increased time on site per visitor by 56%

  • Increased new customer retention rate by 31%

  • Average monthly site visits have increased by 25%

  • Unique visitors grew by 18%

The Impact


Wishlist (Product Design, Branding, UX Design)


AR Guide (Product Design, Branding, UX Design)