I wAS entrusted with team members to communicatE First Republic’s legacy of strength, stability, and extraordinary service. These guidelines are designed to help them do just that.
Brand architecture
Like scaffolding that’s used when constructing buildings, brand architecture is the framework that supports a growing and ever-evolving brand.
How it works
As the organizational structure of our brands, products, and services, brand architecture guides how all these elements work together to deliver a cohesive brand experience. Included is a system of names, symbols, colors, and visual vocabulary that defines relationships between our brand assets.
Why it matters
A well-implemented brand architecture offers many benefits. Internally, it serves as a valuable tool for optimizing marketing efficiency and performance and helps colleagues understand their place in the enterprise. Externally, brand architecture guides clients and stakeholders in understanding the complexities of a multifaceted organization.n constructing buildings, brand architecture is the framework that supports a growing and ever-evolving brand.
James H. Herbert, II - Founder and Executive Chairman
“The magic we create is
human happiness”